


陳蕉 Chiao CHEN




陳蕉於200812月取得法國巴黎第一大學藝術學(Sciences de l’Art)博士學位,該博士論文題目為「透明介面環境中的互動性以及它者結構的瓦解(Interactivity and Dissolution of the structure-Other in the transparent interfaces environments)。從深入研究文憑(DEA)開始,她所關注的議題持續集中在數位互動藝術中所存在的人機關係,而數位互動藝術究竟如何在美學經驗的提供上,超越一種行為主義式的「刺激-反應」互動經驗模式,則是她希望持續探討的課題。

2006-2007年期間,她曾經參與法國龐畢度藝術中心之註解軟體Lignes de temps研究工作。其文章散見於《典藏今藝術》、《現代美術》、Archée 等期刊。她譯有《法蘭西斯.培根:感官感覺的邏輯》(Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation)(G. Deleuze)一書。目前她任教於明道大學數位設計學系,負責「當代設計思想」、「影像與訊息」、「媒體理論」、「媒體設計」等課程。



Chiao CHEN obtained her Ph. D. in Sciences of Art at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in December 2008, her dissertation subject being “Interactivity and Dissolution of the structure-Other in the transparent interfaces environments”.

From her DEA (Advanced Studies Diploma), her research has been focusing on the human-machine relationship in the digital interactive art. How this art can provide aesthetic experiences which go beyond behaviorism's stimulus-response model is one of her research interests. She has translated Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation (G. Deleuze) [traditional Chinese version, Taipei/Miauli, National Institute for Compilation and Translation] as well as authoring many articles in professional journals such as Modern Art (Taipei, Taiwan), Artco(Taipei, Taiwan) and Archée (Montreal, Canada).

During 2006-2007, she was member of the research project “Lignes de tempsexecuted by Pompidou Center in France. She is an assistant professor teaching media theories, media design in the Department of Digital Design at Mindau University, Taiwan.


蔡幸芝 Elizabeth Tsai





2009-    國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所博士後研究員

2009     臺北市立教育大學視覺藝術系兼任教授

2008     國立政治大學哲學博士


2007    《夢想教會》譯者

2005    國立政治大學哲學系「當代思潮與問題研究」系列講座籌辦人

2003    國立政治大學哲學系「康德哲學」課程教學助理

2002    《劍橋哲學辭典》中文版編譯

2001    大趨勢藝廊「絕對身體」展執行助理

 2001      世界宗教博物館導覽員

2000-   臺北市立美術館導覽義工、義工培訓講師

1999    國立政治大學哲學碩士

1997    國科會研究計畫研究助理

1995    國立政治大學哲學學士




2009    〈康德論崇高〉,《從對比到外推》,中原基督教文藝出版社:2009,12

2008     博士論文:〈康德美學中的構想力研究〉

2006    〈貴族的榮耀-維也納列支敦斯登博物館〉

 2005     書評:康德《關於優美感與崇高感的觀察》,《哲學與文化》,頁137-142五南圖書出版社:2005,12

2004    〈普遍者與特殊者:康德的反思判斷力原理作為調節性原理之探討〉(國際康德會議:2004,09

2004    〈一個「好」展覽是否應提出新的概念與形式?〉,《今藝術》,頁:1052000,09

2000    〈康德美學中的現代性思想〉,《政大哲學》,2000,05

1998    〈胡賽爾對伽利略物理學的反思〉(香港中文大學人文學術網:1998

1996     碩士論文:〈胡賽爾對休姆的承繼與超克〉


Hsing-Chih Tsai / Elizabeth Tsai

2009-  Postdoctoral Researcher, Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts.

2009   Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Art, Taipei Municipal University of Education.

2008   Ph. D Degree, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University. Specialty on Kant’s Aesthetics, Phenomenology.

2007   Translator, Dream Church

2005   Organizer, Series of Lectures on Contemporary Thoughts and Research, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University. 

2003   Teaching Assistant, Kant’s Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University. 

2002   Editor, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Chinese version)

2001   Exhibition Assistant, “Absolute Body Exhibition”, Main Trend Gallery

2001   Docent, Museum of World Religions

2000-  Volunteer Training Lecturer, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

1999   Master Degree, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University.

1997   Research Assistant, National Science Council Program

1995   Bachelor of Arts, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University.




2009    “Kant’s Theory on Sublime”, From Comparison to Extrapolation

2008      Ph. D Dissertation: ”Imagination in Kant’s Aesthetics”

2006    “The Aristocratic Splendor: The Liechtenstein Museum Vienna” 

2005      Book review: “Kant: Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime”, Philosophy and Culture, pp. 137-142.    

2004    “The Relation Between the Universal and the Particular: A Study of Kant’s Principles of Reflective Judgment as Regulative Principles”, International Kant Conference,

2004    “Is it necessary to propose new concepts and forms for a “Good” Exhibition? ”, Art Today, p. 105.

2000    “Modernity in Kant’s Aesthetics”, Journal of Philosophy, National Chengchi University.

1998    “Husserl’s Reflection on the Physics of Galileo”, Humanities and Social Sciences Internet, The Chinese University of Hong Kang.

1996     Master Degree Dissertation: “Husserl’s Critique of Hume’s Theory”.



曾旭正 Shu-cheng Tseng





















2007年  台灣的社區營造,台北:遠足。


2005  打造美樂地──社區公共藝術,台北:文建會。

2004年  台灣新建築運動,台北:文建會。

1999年  大台北空中散步(與陳敏明、陳文山、詹素絹合著),台北:遠流


Born in 1961 in Hsiaying Rural Township of Tainan County. He has a doctorate from the Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering at National Taiwan University. He currently teaches in the Graduate Institute of Architecture at Tainan National University of the Arts with special expertise in architectural theory and community design. He is a frequent participant in pro-reform social movements and demonstrations. He was the director of OURs (Organization for Urban "Re-"s) few years ago, and now is the director of the Community Empowerment Society. Six years ago he had engaged in the local government to be the deputy governor of Tainan County government for one year.





The names on the list are in alphabetical order


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